- Video presentation
- Requirements:
- Abstract
- no more than 250 words
- Text transcript of the video
- Video
- 3 min -minimum time
- 5 min – maximum time
- Abstract
- Requirements:
- Paper
- Abstract Draft Sample
- “This project focuses on testing the correlation between linguistic racism and anxiety using physiological data. In this experiment, participants consisted of two groups, native English speakers (NES) and non-native English speakers (NNES). Each group had 5 participants, with a total of 10 participants overall. In addition, participants were exposed to a 25 minute video. The video is organized into 3 sections: (1) 10 min. of relaxing music, (2) 10 min. Relating to linguistic racism, (3) 5 min. of relaxing music. The hypothesis is that when NNES are exposed to linguistic racism, anxiety-like symptoms will occur such as an increase in heart rate and body temperature. To find this correlation, quantitative data will be collected using E4s and Muse 1.”
- Abstract Draft Sample
Jul 21
Deadlines- July 28, 2022

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